A Scary Story..


Last Night 30 Dec 09, Around 2AM

My friend and i was ate watermelon that we bought on that evening.. we ate together at our balcony... after i finished ate watermelon's flesh, i throw the the watermelon's shell outside from our balcony. How I Wanna Eat That.. Can't Rite!!!!!

After i throw those, my friends advised me, don't throw something to the tree. Some More At The Midnight. U will hit "the thing that we can't see from our physical eyes." Then i ask my friend. what u means?? u talk about ghost aa?? then my friend said again, yes and before u wanna throw something to the tree u should ask for permission. Like Malaysian la,, if wanna go to the jungle we ask Nenek Atuk, Cucu Nk Tumpang Lalu Kat Sini!!!.. the same thing actually..

Then, i told my friend, i already throw it. so how?? But then, I ask permission like he ask me to do.. the things is, I'm asked permission in english!! they will understand what I'm said??

Then, my friend started scared me.. He said there is a real story in his country(maldives) related to tree + night time... here is the story!!!!
In maldives the houses do not had electricity after 10PM.. All The Island Will be Dark. can't see anything. the houses just put 1 candle only after 10PM.. sounds like fucking scare rite..

Then, all Maldivies's Fellow Use To Eat Fruits. i think fruits is the common food there.. then, his sister wanna to eat banana. that time is between maghrib and Isyak.. but the banana already finished.. His sister really wanna eat banana and she decided wanna go the farming area(consider quite far from the house). and then She Went Alone.

Around 30 minutes, his sister still not coming back. And his mother get worried about that. Then, his mother try to ask the neighbor to find the his sister. 10 tough guys comes to give a help. they bring the touch light and went to the farming area which his sister gone.

The rescue group had found the girl fell down.. She was stun. And they bring the girl to her house and call the Imam to give a help. Now, The Ghost Gone To His Sister Body. And the imam try to make the conversation with the ghost thru her sister body. The imam ask the ghost why u disturb this girl. and th ghost said she disturb me first. she wanna pick the banana and twist it. but she took my hand my hand and twist it. and the ghost said, I do not do anything to her. actually i fall in love with her really wanna her. i wanna marry her. that why i came to her body. and the imam ask the ghost u really wanna marry this girl. The ghost said yes. and the imam said how u wanna marry with this girl. U 're Stayed In Different World With This Girl. U 're Ghost And This Girl Is Human Being. And the ghost said, its ok for me.. I really wanna marry this girl.

The imam know all of this is crap. and he wanna count till 3 if, u still don't go out i will burn u. imam said to the ghost. and suddenly the ghost count itself. 1 2 3. that is.. the imam really angry with that and then burn that ghost. and all of that i happened in front of me, my friend said to me. that the story.

and the imam told we 're lucky found this girl earlier. if not this ghost will fuck this girl and we can't kill the ghost. and that girl will give a birth to the ghost.

Sometimes we heard all of this is crappy. but we should realized not only human being stay in this world.

Be Nice U Will Be Safe.
Be Brave U Will Be Ok.
Be Religious U Will Be Strong Enough To Facing This World.

becouse of watermelon's shell i heard this scary story.. what the big deal with the watermelon's shell??? i'm started confused.

Now 31 Dec 09, 1.55AM.

i'm still confuse and needa watermelon!!!!!

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2 weeks off


im in holiday!!! started on 16 nov 2009 till 4 jan next year!!

and i would like to wish u all Merry Christmas n Happy New Yaa..

thats it... bye see u soon!!!

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2 orang budak


Pada saat menuggu kedatangan 2 orang sahabat aku kesini, aku mengambil masa untuk tulis pasal diorang.. haha.. parah korang!!!! Diorang adalah bernama si mujib n si payed.(bukan nama sebenar). dalam 30 minit yang lepas, 2 orang ni telah buat prank call kat aku.. ini lah perbualan mereka..

2 orang budak kurenggg : hello!! can i speak to mr Fahmi.

aku: yappp... fahmi speaking...

2 orang budak kurenggg : kikiki.. hahahaha...

aku pon tapaham pasal 2 orang ni!!!

aku: who is ths??

2 orang budak kurenggg : im calling from balai polis Wangsa Maju...

aku xpenah lepak wangsa maju pon... hehe.. ada ke balai polis kat sana?? aku pon x tau la...

aku: eea.. ye.. aa.. ada apa eaa???

2 orang budak kurenggg : hahahaha.. eh.. ni aku la..

then, barulah aku kenal suara 2 orang budak ni. Dah la call pakai no ofis. Kredit xde ke??? chet~~ Kata dah keje.. Gaji kene potong ke bang??? HAHA..
Tu la, Malas sangat keje. Buat la part time cuci tandas ofis tu. Masuk jugak duit ley la nk beli topup.. kakakaka..

Dan dalam 2 minit yg lepas, Diorang call lagi aku. Aish, kat mane bukit jalil ni. Kat sebelah kiri ada ikea ke??? haha.. Aku jawab, ikea kat damansara la. aku duk bukit jalil. Dah da~~.. korang amek LDP then terus je ley sampai la bkt jalil.

Adoi... korang 2 ni. Nk gelak pon ada jugak. Nasib baik aku x prank kan korang balik yg ikea tu near bukit jalil. Terima kasih kat aku eaa!!!

yang benar,
aku disini bersama headset korang!!!

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Money is everything????



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Smile always..


Dalam menempuh liku-liku kehidupan, aku terus dengan senyuman walau apa dugaan yg mendatang."SeNyuM SokMO" itulah aku.. Ketika ini, aku yang masih Study, sedangkan most of my friends telah menempuh ke alam pekerjaan dan dapat earn money from their own( walaupun dioarang ada makan gaji buta).

Bgaimanakah rasa bila berkerja?? itulah persoalan yang bermain difikiran aku. melihat gelagat mereka yang selalu memperkecilkan aku (walaupun aku yang sudah kecil) bahawa student tidak setaraf dengan orang yang sudah bekerja, Masih lagi menggunakan duit ibubapa. aduiyaaa... Parah jugak kena macam ni!!!! cam sial je diaorang ni. aku merasa sesuatu yang berlainan. aku hanya memberi senyuman untuk berbalas gelagat mereka itu. then, aku berkata, korang semua perlu la tanggung aku atas nama persahabatan.jom kita p tengok movies. jom kita p klcc. jom kita p makan. tapi korang belanja k. haha.. best jugak jadi student ni.

Pada aku, melanjutkan pelajaran adalah diutamakan. tambahan pula, aku masih lagi belum puas dengan kehidupan aku. aku perlu masa untuk lepak, hang out, mencuba benda baru dan aku merasakan melanjutkan pelajaran adalah solution yang paling baik untuk buat semua ni.hihihi.. aku juga seperti belum bersedia untuk menghadapi alam perkerjaan. dimana perlu komunikasi dengan bos. bagaimana rupa bos eaa??

cam ni kot muka boss.. hehehe~ cool je nampak~

setiap persoalan itu akan aku lalui suatu ketika nanti~~~.
Fahmi Aziz "SeNyuM SokMO".

To: ady hanif, afiq,
mujib, payed,
ady daud n maya...

u 're the best.. Jom hang Out!!! hehe

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People and Motorcycle.


I'm remember.
that day.
The day was something happened just in front of me.
Didn't notice to happen.

I'm remember.
the thing, the people, the trauma.
there is still fresh in my mind.
fresh than a meat in slaughter house.

I'm remember.
They told me.
Motorcycle's rider was negligence.

I'm remember.
i'm asked them.
They just wanna 've fun.

I'm remember.
i'm saw an accident.

I'm realized.
of what happened.
of what i'm wrote.
its just my dream.......
its happened just 5 minutes ago!!!!

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i'm back!!!


aku kembali lagi..
Sudah hampir dua tahun aku telah meninggalkan aktiviti membuat karangan seperti ni. Ye la nk buat blog kena cerita pasal ni, pasal tu, pot pet pot pet.ntah apa2...
Tapi mengikut keadaan semasa yg ada sedikit kebosanan pada waktu malam, dan mendengar laungan merdu roommate aku yang sedang tidur nyenyak bagaikan bunyi Monster, aku ingin kembali menulis blog untuk megisi masa kekosongan aku!!! dapat la menghadap depan laptop lama sikit, boleh la cakap sorang2, suka sorang2 time tulis blog ni.

aku kembali lagi..
Pada saat ini, waktu ini, aku melihat bintang, bulan sebab nk cari ilham apa aku nk tulis first post aku ni. aku rasa seperti zaman kolej aku waktu dulu je. Malam2 tengok bintang n bulan sambil-sambil tengok movies horror yang x takut langsung...
then, ada lah pebualan antara aku n kawan aku..

kawanku: kau tau x bulan n matahari saling mencintai??

aku dengan secara spontan ketawa sepuas2 nya... suara aku mengalahkan movie horror yang aku tengah tengok... kalo hantu dengar pon, dia lari sampai x cukup tanah, berenang lagi sampai kat selat melaka then terbang sampai kat pluto.. lebih kurang macam tu la takutnya dengar aku ketawa.. hihihihi. aku pon menjawab.

aku: aish.. betul ke??

kawanku: betul la... cuma bulan tidak kesempatan untuk melafazkan cinta pada matahari.. bila malam menjelma matahari tidak kelihatan. bila siang menjelma bulan tidak kelihatan. begitu la setiap hari. kedua2 nya menggunakan bintang sebagai "Postman" orang tengah tok melafazkan rasa rindu mereka. kalau kau tengok betul2 bintang berkelip2 pada waktu malam adalah disebabkan matahari menghantar pesanan rindu pada bulan...
dan begitulah sebaliknya..

hahahhaha.. aku ketawa lagi..

aku: mengalahkan cerita romeo n juliet la...

kawanku: nanti kau akan faham la.. bintang adalah orang tengah.. bila kamu kesunyian pada waktu malam, kamu tengok la bintang. dan yakinkan lah kepada bintang, dalam kamu kesunyian itu ada orang yang merindui mu!!!!

aku mencuba ambil hati kawanku ini..

aku: ok2.. aku try ea..

kawanku: TAKE UR TIME!!! .... aku kembali lagi..

aku kembali lagi..
Setelah banyak aku menceritakan hal kawanku yang belum ada jawapan nya lagi, korang semua mulai berfikir apakah kesudahannya dan aku disini sedang sibuk menulis blog untuk post aku yang pertama sambil mendengar lagu obsessed from Mariah carey... lagunya boleh tahan laa.. Why u so obsessed with me?? aiyoo.. aku ponn tapaham...

aku kembali lagi..
untuk post aku yang pertama dengan penuh tanda tanya..

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Design by Fahmi Aziz